On Going

FPT Play For SmartTV HTML

Product Development, August 2018 - Present

FPT Play TV version was developed before new mobile version, so when I take over it - I think it's ok to upgrade more features. Basically, App UI is somehow learned from old Apple TV UI but it was more inconvenient due to scrolling only in horizontal. Should I change? No, because you can't change the new things that took times to educate user's behavior in few months ago. So just keep going with it. Unlike mobile app, developing TV version is not merely about the rules of big screen, it's more about the technologies because there're many manufacturers such as Samsung, LG, Sony, Toshiba, etc, with wide-range of their products by prices, by years and the app needs to be worked on all of them.

Once again, stability is the most important thing and it was good from the beginning, but there's another important thing that no one think about although user can feel it: UX. Why I feel it runs so heavy? Why UI animation is so jerky? Why images load so slowly? - These questions show the difference between FPT Play and leading applications like Netflix or AppleTV. At least I changed some of them and now users can feel the app works smoother. Currently, FPT Play App with new "tech core" is in developing and I sure that users can experience it in 2020.


FPT Play
You can also search and download FPT Play on Samsung, LG and other Smart TV HTML.