
FPT Play - New Mobile App

Product Owner, April 2018 - March 2019

Before starting the development of new FPT Play Mobile App, I faced many challenges when the old version was lacked of its stability : 8% - 10% crash rate with 2.9/5 user ratings, the old UI design is relatively inconvenient, not attractive with users and completely asynchronous between iOS & Android versions. So, It's not only need to fix those above problems but must be an improved version when compared to the previous one. In other words, the app needs a total comprehensive change.

These images were the final designs when it came out. Not really perfect, it's fair to say that some UX and Animation I want to improve, but the results are good enough to make me happy with what our team did. Octorber 2018, FPT Play New App is officially launched on App Store & Google Play, we received lots of positive feedback from users about the new design and our app has great stability with under 0.5% crash rate. As an reasonable results, 2 months later FPT Play finally reach 4.0 app ratings without any marketing campaigns, not a bad achievement.


FPT Play FPT Play
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